Please see below for this months Technical Updates
If you require clarification on anything please contact the office.
Logikal Updates.
The following updates have been added to the Logikal pricing program this month, so please ensure you update
your software for the changes to take place.
• KAS2360 10mm diameter Backer Rod is now available as a perimeter seal for all frames to aid with silicone
pointing of frames to structure. You will find this option in Wall Connections on the Element Tab.
• New Cill available for the patio door system.
• RAL 9006 now offered as part of the standard Kestrel colour range.
• KAS7501 & KAS7502 100mm Stiles available in Thermal Commercial Door system.
• KAS827 Curtain wall adaptor for glazing thicknesses 14-19mm available.
Manual Page Updates.
The following manual pages have been updated. Please download the updated pages here for inclusion into your
manuals or download the full manuals from here.
Residential Door
Key turn activated Lock Details
Cut out revision to Slave door
Lantern Rooflight
The above manual page changes will be included as Logikal updates once programmed and released. Look out for
the Logikal updates in future bulletins.
New Products.
We have now added to our range of locks with a Key Turn
Activated (KTA) Lock specifically aimed at residential doors
to keep up with current demand & trends for contemporary
and modern front doors. The KTA lock allows you to turn
the latch with the key allowing large pull handles to be
installed to the door leaf.