Please see below for this months Technical Updates
If you require clarification on anything please contact the office.
Logikal Updates.
The following updates have been added to the Logikal pricing program this month, so please ensure you update
your software for the changes to take place.
• 8mm and 18mm glass thicknesses have been added to the curtain walling system.
• Shopfront system can be created with any window and door system as an update.
Manual Page Updates.
The following manual pages have been updated. Please download the updated pages here for inclusion into your manuals or download the full manuals from here.
60mm Polyamide Window
12.02.07_1 Addition of KAS627 250mm cill section
Bifold Door 15.11.02_5 Additional screws required in adjustable jamb.
Thermal Rebate Door
19.01.07_1-3 - Cutting instruction when using KAS747 threshold
19.01.08_1-3 - Cutting instruction when using KAS746 threshold
19.02.01 – Drainage detail added for KAS7321 Narrow profile
19.03.13 - Lock Keep dimesion revised
Flat Top Rooflight
24.02.04_1 KAS1671 Corner foam sealing blocks added
25.02.02_1-2 – Corner foam sealing blocks added
The rooflight pricing spreadsheet has also been updated version 1.5.4 is available from the download site above.

New Products.
As part of our continued development, we have added corner
sealing blocks to the flat top rooflight system. These will provide a
stronger watertight joint. Product code KAS1671.
You can see how these blocks are inserted in our new YouTube video
which shows how to fabricate the Flat rooflight system. We hope
that this will be useful to you as fabricators and will hopefully be the
first of a series of fabrication videos we put together. You can see
the video here.